Title: Samsung Enterprise Portal mySingle

Hi all,


The Spec defines 'LOCAL' port as follows:

Optional: LOCAL: Represents the switch's local networking stack and its management stack. Can be used as an ingress port or as an output port. The local port enables remote entities to interact
with the switch and its network services via the OpenFlow network, rather than via a separate control network. With a suitable set of default flow entries it can be used to implement an in-band controller


It looks like that 'LOCAL' is used for in-band control. That is, the Openflow msg handling engine is binded to 'LOCAL' port so OF msg can be correctly received.

Is my understanding correct? What else should be binded to 'LOCAL' for in-band control?


So next question is, if I'd like to use out-of-band control in my network, does it mean that 'LOCAL' port is useless at all?

Is there other usage case 'LOCAL' port can be involved in?


I'm not very clear about what's refered by Spec's words of 'local networking stack and its management stack'.  What exact stack it could be?


I once think about a case, where user doesn't want to put everything in controller, so he keep the ARP processing in the switch.

In this case, can 'LOCAL' port be used for ARP packet handling?


Any other reasonable cases?



Thanks a lot for the discussion.







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