>On Sun, Jan 06, 2013 at 09:22:13AM +0000, Lichunhe wrote:
>> Could anyone tell me the max flow entries in the datapath flow table?
>> Or it has not a limitation. I can't find this in datapath source code.
>The datapath flow table doesn't have a specific limitation, but it's not
>normally a relevant question, because userspace tries hard to keep the
>number of flows in the kernel flow table bounded to a relatively small

You say that it depends the expire mechanism, the "expire" function in the 
delete the flow entries which have been idle too long. So if the flow entry is 
always used,
it won't be deleted. In some scenario, it will exhaust the memory resource.

And in handle_table_stats_request function, reply the capability of flow table 
is 1000000(max_entries),
But it has not been used in anywhere.

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