On Tue, Dec 04, 2012 at 02:38:03PM +0100, Jaime Melis wrote:
> We like Open vSwitch a lot [2] (we already support it). Many of our users
> use Open vSwitch and they do very fancy things with it [3]. We would like
> to further promote the use of OpenNebula + Open vSwitch.
> To do so we would like to know if we could contribute with a blog entry in
> openvswitch.org explaining how to use OpenNebula + Open vSwitch: traffic
> filtering, network isolation, etc...

We don't really have a general-purpose "blog" section on
openvswitch.org.  But I'd personally welcome contributions of content.
The most obvious place to put OpenNebula information in Open vSwitch
would be to add a file to the top level of the Open vSwitch distribution
that explains how to integrate the two.  We already have instructions
for a number of OSes and other systems:


and I could see an INSTALL.OpenNebula fitting in nicely.

If you think it's of enough general interest then perhaps we could add a
pointer to the new documentation to the "In the News" tab or to the
"Updates" column that is on most pages on the site.

What do you think?
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