On Tue, Oct 23, 2012 at 02:58:40PM +0300, Eugene Istomin wrote:
> we have a troubles with setting up any kind of tunnels between two xen 
> hypervisors with OVS 1.7.1.
> /etc/SuSE-release
> openSUSE 12.2 (x86_64)
> uname -a
> Linux hv01 3.4.14-1-xen
> modinfo openvswitch
> filename:       
> /lib/modules/3.4.14-1-xen/kernel/net/openvswitch/openvswitch.ko
> license:        GPL
> description:    Open vSwitch switching datapath
> srcversion:     85CBAC03B121BA9E19165EC
> depends:        
> intree:         Y
> vermagic:       3.4.14-1-xen SMP mod_unload modversions Xen 

It looks like you have the upstream version of the Open vSwitch kernel
module installed.

>From the FAQ:

Q: What features are not available in the Open vSwitch kernel datapath
   that ships as part of the upstream Linux kernel?

A: The kernel module in upstream Linux 3.3 and later does not include
   the following features:

       - Bridge compatibility, that is, support for the ovs-brcompatd
         daemon that (if you enable it) lets "brctl" and other Linux
         bridge tools transparently work with Open vSwitch instead.

         We do not expect bridge compatibility to ever be available in
         upstream Linux.  If you need bridge compatibility, use the
         kernel module from the Open vSwitch distribution instead of the
         upstream Linux kernel module.

       - Tunnel virtual ports, that is, interfaces with type "gre",
         "ipsec_gre", "capwap".  It is possible to create tunnels in
         Linux and attach them to Open vSwitch as system devices.
         However, they cannot be dynamically created through the OVSDB
         protocol or set the tunnel ids as a flow action.

         Work is in progress in adding these features to the upstream
         Linux version of the Open vSwitch kernel module.  For now, if
         you need these features, use the kernel module from the Open
         vSwitch distribution instead of the upstream Linux kernel

       - Patch virtual ports, that is, interfaces with type "patch".
         You can use Linux "veth" devices as a substitute.

         We don't have any plans to add patch ports upstream.
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