If I understand your question, you're asking why QoS configuration occurs in 
the configuration database as opposed to through OpenFlow.  The reason is that 
QoS tends to be configured on a port, which we consider switch-level 
configuration.  OpenFlow is supposed to deal with flows, so it wouldn't be 
involved beyond steering to a port's queues.  While there is some port-level 
configuration in OpenFlow, I consider that a design error that we made before 
we had a separate switch-level configuration protocol.  I think a reasonable 
argument could be made to do some of the configuration through OpenFlow, but 
this was the reasoning behind the design we chose.

I hope that helps.


On Oct 19, 2012, at 2:17 PM, Adongbede Bamidele <bamideleadongb...@yahoo.com> 

> I am a master student working on the dynamic quality of service in an 
> openflow network and i was wondering why is that rate limit is implemented 
> into management plane and why not in the control plane?
> Thanks
> Bamidele
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