On Wed, Aug 29, 2012 at 03:07:26PM +0300, Liran Schour wrote:
> Is it possible to assign some external IDs to a port and then force the
> switch to send this IDs as a matchable field to the controller via OXM on
> each PACKET_IN message?
> In other words I am looking for a way to assign IDs per port and to be able
> to send these IDs to the controller as matchable fields.

You could match on the port number in the flow table, then assign a
value to, say, the NXM registers or the OXM metadata field.  When the
NXM packet-in format is in use (or OpenFlow 1.2+, once that is
supported), then those fields will be passed to the controller.

This has to be done in the flow table.  There is no way to assign to a
field using OVSDB.
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