As documented in the ovs-ofctl man page, unless you are using an ancient 
version of OVS, there is no timeout:

              Causes  the  flow to expire after the given number of seconds of
              inactivity.  A value of 0 (the default)  prevents  a  flow  from
              expiring due to inactivity.

              Causes  the  flow  to  expire after the given number of seconds,
              regardless of activity.  A value of 0 (the  default)  gives  the
              flow no hard expiration deadline.


On Aug 27, 2012, at 8:25 PM, Kris zhang <> wrote:

> Hi guys,
> I want to use ovs-ofctl command to add flow entries to implements ACL rules 
> function, so i hope the flow entries can be stay in the flow table 
> permanently, unless i delete it by using commands.
> so how to do that? if cannot, then are there any other solutions?
> Thanks in advanced,
> Kris
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