Hi All,

  I have been struggling a little with Open vSwitch under Debian
Wheezy. I'm not sure if this is because I'm very green with Open
vSwitch or some other reason. What I would like my simplified network
setup to look like:

    Bridge "br0"
        Port "eth1"
            Interface "eth1"
        Port "br2"
            tag: 2
            Interface "br2"
                type: internal
        Port "br3"
            tag: 3
            Interface "br3"
                type: internal
        Port "br0"
            Interface "br0"
                type: internal

  ie: eth1 is a tagged port on the physical switch with vlans 2 and 3
passed over the wire. br2 and b3 would be corresponding ovs bridges
for each vlan.

The system itself needs to access the network over its tagged
interface (lets say vlan2) and thus we can either configure br2 with
an IP or we can add an interface (veth?) to the bridge and then
configure the veth pair.

Since /etc/init.d/openvswitch-{controller,switch} both have $network
in the Required-Start line, /etc/init.d/networking is run before
openvswitch has a chance to create its bridge interfaces. This seems
to mean that I can't set parameters on the device as I usually would.
For example, we turn of autoconf and accept_ra by default so an
example entry to make br2 into a useful interface in
/etc/network/interfaces may look like this:

iface br2 inet dhcp
        post-up sysctl -w net.ipv6.conf.$IFACE.autoconf=1
        post-up sysctl -w net.ipv6.conf.$IFACE.accept_ra=1

When I try to use "allow-hotplug br2" or "auto br2" the post-up lines
are run before ovs-* is started and just error out. br2 is never
configured with a dhcp address or an IPv6 address.


This is the point that I hope someone will chime in and say, "Tim,
you're doing it wrong," or, "hmm, that is *supposed* to work..."

In the event that I'm not alone, one really nice way of dealing with
this might be to set some kind of post-hook inside of openvswitch.
Something on the order of, "on_create=/sbin/ifup br2" or "ifup=true"
that is per-interface. The idea being that when ovs creates an
interface, it calls the standard system utilities to configure it. To
be clean, there should be a de-configuration step as well (ifdown) so
that state is kept.

In IRC, switchcade mentioned
which implements yet another init script. My feeling is that
openvswitch is creating/destroying interfaces, it should be
responsible for making sure they are configured appropriately as well.
Adding another init script is more of a work-around type solution

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