< Then why don't you use the Debian packaging and its init script? > 

I wasn't aware such a package exists since there's no mention of it on the
openvswitch site and I did search through apt-cache, but it seems the
European mirrors I use don't have the package : 

root@debianovs:~# apt-get install openvswitch-switch
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
E: Unable to locate package openvswitch-switch
root@debianovs:~# apt-cache search "openvswicth"

So I naturally went to http://openvswitch.org/download/ and proceed with the
.tar.gz download.

Even if I agree that I should have found the package earlier, I still found
illogical that the instructions doesn't explain how to set the services to
start at bootup nor any link or direction on how to set this.
I mean, I fully understand how it can be time-consuming writing and
maintaining the documentation and that it's not always possible to write
specialized instructions for all distributions , but  what's the point
having instructions to install it trough the tar.gz file (or git) it you
don't obtain a fully functional server ?

May I suggest that a mention saying "you should now set the module and the
deamon to start at boot-up" and some clue on how to do this be added at the
end of the linux.install instructions ?

For example, if the startup script for ovsdb exists in the debian package,
could it be added to the
http://openvswitch.org/releases/openvswitch-1.7.0.tar.gz in the debian
folder ? 

Anyway, thank for the tip, I'll use a US mirror to install the package, but
it's still V1.4.2.

Do you know if the init.d scripts for V1.4 works for V1.7  ?


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