Just as a follow up, I guess I can still see packets going through the tap
ports by capturing on the tap interafces , but not sure how I can do this
for a gre port , since this is not an actual interface on the machine.

On Fri, Aug 3, 2012 at 10:36 AM, Aishwarya <aish...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Ok. Thanks. Is there a way to check what ports a particular packet is
> being sent on? Like a capture functionality on a port? When I run tcpdump
> on br0 interface, I sometimes don't see some packets going through that at
> all.
> For eg, in my setup I have 2 hosts. On host1, I have a vm1 ip
> On H2 , I have a vm2 H1 AND H2 are
> connected through a gre port on br0. When I ping from vm1 to vm2, and
> capture packets on br0, I see that an arp request is being sent for
>, but I dont see the arp replies or the subsequent ping request
> replies go through br0 at all/(in tcpdump). But vm1 is receiving ping
> replies from vm2, and has the correct arp entry for vm2. Why am I not able
> to see these subsequent packets while capturing on br0?
> Thanks!
> On Thu, Aug 2, 2012 at 9:53 PM, Ben Pfaff <b...@nicira.com> wrote:
>> On Thu, Aug 02, 2012 at 09:32:32PM -0700, Aishwarya wrote:
>> > I am trying to prevent arp requests(for a particular ip) from being
>> > forwarded on the gre ports. Is there a way to add a flow to do this?
>> There's not an obvious way to do this without a general-purpose
>> controller.
>> > I
>> > don't see anything explicit in ovs-ofctl to do this. Was wondering if
>> it is
>> > possible. Conversely, it would help if there is a way to output arp
>> > requests on a set of ports(basically all except all the gre ports for my
>> > purposes). Right now, I see that the output action takes only one port
>> to
>> > output the packet to.
>> You can use as many output actions as you like in a single flow.
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