Hi Isaku,

thanks for your interest in the code!

Just to give credit to the right persons the v12 code
(https://github.com/CPqD/ofdissector) is by Allan Vidal (cc:), I am
only coordinating the overarching project.

As for code merging with Bastins code base (or further upstream), we
support any such action, but won´t take any steps by ourselves in the
short term. Our priority would be rather to complete the missing
dissector pieces (e.g., body of stats messages). I am not sure either
how far we will be able to come and when exactly, contributions along
this path are very welcome!


 Esteve Rothenberg, Ph.D.
Converged Networks Business Unit
CPqD - Center for Research and Development in Telecommunications
Tel. (+55 19) 3705 4479 / Cel. (+55 19) 8193-7087
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