Hi Ben,

This patch is not working with openvswitch-1.4.1 
(ofp_print_nxt_set_controller_id function is not there in lib/ofp-print.c and 
file tests/ofp-error.at is not available in openwsitch-1.4.1).
I also tried to verify on unreleased version available on Git (1.7.90) but 
could not attach the physical interface and Tap interface with bridge and for 
this reason could not start a VM.


-----Original Message-----
From: Ben Pfaff [mailto:b...@nicira.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, May 23, 2012 10:05 PM
To: Nicholas Bastin
Cc: Prabina Pattnaik; b...@openvswitch.org
Subject: Re: [ovs-discuss] OpenVSwitch - Error packet OFPFMFC_BAD_COMMAND of 
code ofp_flow_mod_failed_code coming as malformed.

On Tue, May 22, 2012 at 11:21:29PM -0700, Nicholas Bastin wrote:
> On Tue, May 22, 2012 at 2:50 AM, Prabina Pattnaik
> <prabina.pattn...@nechclst.in> wrote:
> > We agree that implementation of 'at least 64 bytes' is as per spec (to 
> > allow data above 64 bytes depends on vendor specific switch
> > implementation).
> > But in current implementation, when the code (mentioned below) limits the 
> > size of data to 64 bytes (if data field of the error packet
> > is more than 64 bytes), a malformed OFPFMFC_BAD_COMMAND error packets gets 
> > generated (visible on wireshark with openflow
> > plugin).
> The wireshark plugin is (questionably) broken.  Or wireshark is
> broken, you pick which you prefer.. :-)  The issue is that the
> OpenFlow dissector (arguably properly…certainly I would argue that)
> passes encap'd packet-ins *back* into wireshark for further
> dissection.  However, there's no way to tell wireshark "please ignore
> the fact that this packet may be truncated" - something it is capable
> of doing for outer-layer packets, so you end up with giant red
> nonsense that the packet is malformed, and not that you may have a
> truncated packet.  Either way, the OVS interpretation may not be what
> you want, but it's not broken.

I thought that OVS itself did a better job of printing these truncated
OpenFlow messages, but when I tested it I found that I was wrong, so I
sent out a patch to improve the situation:



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