Hi All,

I am new to openvswitch, want to compile and install userspace vswitch, i
am using ubuntu/64bit AMD machine.

I followed all the steps on INSTALL.Linux and INSTALL.Linux.

* ovsdb-server is running smoothly.
* ovs-vswitchd is able to connect to ovsdb-server.

but i see below error when i start ovs-vswitchd by "ovs-vswitchd --pidfile

2012-04-08T19:12:25Z|00004|dpif_linux|ERR|Generic Netlink family
'ovs_datapath' does not exist. The Open vSwitch kernel module is probably
not loaded.
2012-04-08T19:12:25Z|00005|dpif|WARN|failed to enumerate system datapaths:
No such file or directory

1) How do i resolve above error?
2) Do i need to compile kernel module to resolve above error?
3) One more thing, when i compile openvswitch i get all the binaries on
/usr/local/bin and /usr/local/sbin but i don't see
any "datapath/linux/openvswitch.ko" being genrated, not sure if there is
any separate compilation for this.

Any info will be very helpful for me.


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