On Thu, Jan 19, 2012 at 02:21:07PM +0200, Heinonen, Johanna (NSN - FI/Espoo) 
> It seems that the problem is related to LLDP messages that come from
> "bad in-port" i.e. a port that is not connected to ovs. 

Your controller is trying to send a packet with an in_port of
OFPP_CONTROLLER.  This is incorrect: the correct in_port is OFPP_NONE.
This is why OVS is rejecting it

It also looks like your controller is sending Nicira extensions
messages with type 8 (NXT_MGMT).  This has been obsolete for years, so
I don't know why you are trying to use it.

> My setup is the
> following:
>    NOX       linux1
>     |          |
> -----------------------
>            |
> linux3----OVS--------linux2  
> OVS has ports 1(eth0, towards linux3), 2(eth1, towards linux2), 3 and 4
> (gre0 and gre1 towards linux1). In addition to this the machine where
> OVS is running has eth2 that is not connected as a port to OVS but has
> an IP address (.101) towards the subnet. (Gre tunnels do
> not work if this port is connected to OVS). Are there any possibilities
> to have the gre tunnels and connection to NOX via this same eth2? The
> limitation is that NOX and Linux1 have only one interface, and I'd like
> to avoid adding a router in between also if possible.

You'd need to make sure that the flow traffic recognizes the tunnel
traffic and treats it as a special case.  I have not implemented rules
to do this.  Naively, it sounds to me like the problem is similar to
the in-band control problem.  Maybe it is simpler because GRE packets
are so distinct from other traffic.


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