On Sat, Oct 29, 2011 at 01:09:17PM -0700, danderson415 wrote:
> I am reading ovs code(1.1.0pre2). In ofproto.c function xlate_actions(), it
> translates ofp actions to odp actions. What I am confused about is why it
> set the fields in rule.cr.flow? I think rule.cr.flow stores the flow key
> for match, not actions. Can someone shed some light?

1.1.0pre2 is pretty old.  I'd upgrade to 1.2.2, at least.

I don't think that it updates rule->cr.flow.  That would be a bug,
since it would be modifying the key data used for matching.  It does
update ctx->flow, a copy of rule->cr.flow.  The main reason for that
is to keep track of the current flow so that if a resubmit action
comes along we know what to look up.  There might be other reasons
too, but that's the one that comes to mind immediately.
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