We generally encourage users to try to use the native OVS commands to do 
configuration and not run the bridge compatibility code.  Obviously, there are 
situations where this is not possible, and it's necessary due to pre-compiled 
binaries or some such to use this mode.  For example, we had to do this with 
XenServer 5.5, since it wasn't built to work with OVS.  As such, you can find 
an example of starting up bridge compatibility in the XenServer init script: 

Once again, I would encourage you not to go down that route, since that code is 
not as well tested anymore and will likely go away in the future.


On Jan 20, 2011, at 12:38 AM, Jérémie Tarot wrote:

> Hi
> Lazy as I'm this morning (bad sleeping you know) and before trying to
> adapt the default ovs init script to create one for brcompatd, may I
> ask if someone around already did this and would be kind enough to
> share its script with us ?
> Thank you in advance
> Jérémie
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