I am a new user of ovs.
I try to use it together with a virtualbox architecture on a
linux-ubuntu-host computer.
Until now I was just using Wmware Esxi, So VirtualBox + ovs is quite new
to me.
I installed ovs from sources. Compilation was OK, initialization was OK.
I chose to compile-install it without kernel module, so that means as
userspace. Maybe in the future I will compile kernel modules, but I
prefered to test in userpsace for the moment.
There is one thing I cannot understand for the moment. Probably I still
need to be more familiar with the ovs concept.
I can bind the virtualswitch ( = bridge) to eth0.
But I would like to bind also the virtual-machines (that I created
inside VirtualBox) to the bridge (or to a fake-bridge).
So I am expecting a way to create "pseudo" eth interface(s) in the
host-machine, that could appear in the VM-management-console, and that I
could bind to the VMs (and also to the bridge).
I can not find this kind of tool inside ovs.
Right or wrong ?
Should I do this with another tool, outside ovs ?
I can not find any tutorial on the internet that corresponds to my wish,
and the docs do not speak to me enough about that.
I hope I could explain correctly my thinking, and that someone could
bring me back to the right way.
best regards,
Xavier COUDIN - coordinateur informatique
Lycée Pays-de-Retz, 44210 Pornic, tel 02 40 82 40 19 poste 167
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