On Mon, Dec 20, 2010 at 06:30:21PM +0000, Yalagandula, Praveen wrote:
>  Page 20/21 in http://openvswitch.org/ovs-vswitchd.conf.db.5.pdf describe 
> Service Controllers for vswitchd. Can you please let me know a way to setup a 
> service controller? It seems ovs-vsctl can only setup primary controllers.
>  Context: I was using openflowd with -listen option; and now I am trying to 
> switch to vswitchd as I need GRE tunnels.

Any controller set up with a "pssl:" or "ptcp:" target should
automatically be configured as a service controller.  You should be able
to set those up with ovs-vsctl in the usual way.

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