Thanks Ben. It worked!
just notice I should do

xe-switch-network-backend openvswitch

On 12/09/2010 04:19 PM, Ben Pfaff wrote:
On Thu, Dec 09, 2010 at 04:08:43PM -0800, frank wrote:
So, openvswitch_mod.ko is a mandatory requirement for creating GRE?
Yes.  It is mandatory for using Open vSwitch at all.

The OVS GRE module is not required?
Open vSwitch does not have any separate GRE module.

By "rpm -ql openvswitch", I can see there is no .ko in RPM. so does
this imply we can't
create GRE through default vswitch in XenServer5.6, instead, we have
to build vswitch from source?
The Open vSwitch module on XenServer is distributed with the XenServer
kernel to the best of my knowledge.  It is not part of the openvswitch
package there, it is part of the kernel package.  It should be with the
rest of the kernel modules.

Frank Zhang INC

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