I have a machine with 6 ethernet card inside.
I want to test the configuration you have in the site
http://openvswitch.org/?page_id=146 with the only difference that i dont
need the Management Network Cloud.

My configuration

ETH0: br0 with ports --tap0 (tag=1)
                     --tap1 (tag=2)

ETH1:br1 with ports --tap2 (tag=1)
                    --tap3 (tag-2)

Now you say that the ports that data network connects the 2 hosts (in my
case the two interfaces) must be configured as VLAN trunks. By default ovs
does that but how do i connect the two interfaces over a virtual switch ?
Should I use virtual interfaces like eth1:1 eth2:1 or something like that ?
Any ideas ?
Thanks in advance.

+-------------+     +--------------+
| tap0   tap1 |     |  tap2   tap3 |
|  |      |   |     |   |      |   |
|  ovs-daemon |     |  ovs-daemon  |
|      |      |     |     |        |
|     eth0    |     |    eth1      |
+-------------+     +--------------+
       \                   /
        \                 /
         \               /
          \             /
           \           /
          |             |
          |   DataNet   |
          |             |
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