Nicira Networks, a core supporter of the Open vSwitch project 
(, is looking for a motivated software engineer to join 
their team working on the project.  This includes enabling features needed from 
within Nicira and making the project attractive to external entities.  You will 
have the authority and scope to apply your expertise in a fast-paced and 
technically-driven environment. Your responsibilities include:

        - Design and develop an open source switch/routing software stack that 
is being widely deployed.
        - Adapt fast-path and control interfaces to optimize forwarding on 
multiple software and hardware platforms.
        - Implement and integrate new protocols, such as LACP and SNMP.
        - Develop effective unit tests to validate correct operation of the 
        - Troubleshoot and resolve customer issues. 

Required Skills:

        - 3+ years industry experience
        - Excellent understanding of C
        - Unix/Linux development/diagnostics/troubleshooting
        - BS or MS in Computer Science or equivalent

An ideal candidate will have some of the following skills:

        - Experience working on relatively large user-space programs.
        - Experience implementing layer-2 and layer-3 network protocols and 
        - Experience developing networking software in the Linux kernel or 
various hypervisor platforms.
        - Experience with virtualization systems/hypervisors
        - Experience developing stateful network applications such as firewall 
or IPS.
        - Driver-level development for complex networking hardware such as 
high-performance NICs or commercial silicon switching chips.
        - Strong experience with Python and shell scripting.

If you are interested, please contact

--The Open vSwitch Team

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