30.04.10, 11:47, "Jesse Gross" :

ovs-ofctl add-flow xenbr0 "dl_src=11:11:11:11:11:11 nw_dst= priority=10 actions=normal"
ovs-ofctl add-flow xenbr0 "dl_src=11:11:11:11:11:11 nw_dst= priority=20 actions=drop"

I expect it to pass traffic from MAC=11:11:11:11:11:11 on net (all other values is '*') as it must be and drop all trafic to

But really it drop ALL traffic from mac=11:11:11:11:11:11 to any destination. And I do not understand what happens...
The reason why this is happening is that you didn't specify IP as the protocol.  The nw_dst field gets dropped because it is meaningless without a L3 protocol.
If you do "ovs-ofctl dump-flows xenbr0" you can see the current set of flows after they have been parsed.

Is anywhere is more full documentation about flow syntax or some samples with commentary?
I think the ovs-ofctl man page is currently our best documentation of the flow syntax. 
Thank you again.

But I found one more problem: If I add some flow with drop action, it disappear from ovs-ofctl dump-flows after few minutes of inactivity. If flow works (i.e. dropping traffic), it not aging, but if no activity against this flow, it aging...

As I understand, removing 'old' unused flows from flow-table is normal behavior for normal switch. But this means I need to renew it periodically... It's really annoying in Xen Cloud Platform environment...

Or I do something wrong?
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