I don't see a lot of discussion on this list about future BLU meeting 
presentations, so I apologize if this isn't the right forum; please let me know 
if I should be discussing this privately with the club officers instead.


A couple of months ago after seeing Adam Monsen present his work-in-progress at 
LibrePlanet, I contributed some effort to the final QA process for instructions 
in his book "Steadfast Self-Hosting" < https://selfhostbook.com >. The book is 
licensed under the Creative Commons License. In the text he lays out an 
argument that you should be hosting your software services at home instead of 
using Silicon Valley's free cloud services, and then he lays out his procedure 
for bootstrapping yourself with Ubuntu, Ansible, Docker, and his 
(freely-licensed) management scripts that he wrote for the book.

Now he's doing a "book tour" of computer clubs, spreading the word about his 
book. Would BLU be interested in this presentation in the next few months?

Brendan Kidwell
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