On Sat, 10 Aug 2024 09:52:32 -0700
Kent Borg <kentb...@borg.org> wrote:

> I sometimes feel like I'm the only one who doesn't want a car to be a 
> rolling "smartphone". My current car has an engine computer the
> controls ignition stuff, but otherwise is close to completely manual.
> And as a result, I might keep running it for a lot of years.

If your car was made in the past 15 years? It has a lot more
electronics than you're considering, everything from lights to cruise
control to traction control and anti-lock brakes. To the other extreme?
My car is fully drive by wire with a lot of modern safety features like
proximity sensors, reversing camera, lane-keeping assist, yada-yada.

It's not a matter of desire. It's necessity: all this sophistication
requires software to operate.

\m/ (--) \m/
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