On Tue, 6 Aug 2024 16:31:29 -0700
Kent Borg <kentb...@borg.org> wrote:

> C/C++ compilers are more mature, so there are better optimizers for 
> C/C++ programmers. This is an advantage for C. Though, not always: 
> sometimes the machine code will simply be as fast as it possible, and 
> sometimes Rust will be that fast, making it a wash. But on average,
> at least for the moment, C/C++ has the advantage.

Maybe. Rust is a front end to LLVM which frequently generates faster
binaries than GCC. Not always, but frequently. This puts Rust in a very
good place. And it's only going to get better.

Oh. Then there's this. Specifically section 9 under Taking the Plunge.

\m/ (--) \m/
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