On 6/20/24 12:44, dan moylan wrote:
puzzled, i blanked out .ssh/known_hosts on cmp2 and tried:

ssh moylan@cmp1

asked if i really wanted to connect, i said yes, and then
was asked for moylan's password. an incorrect password
prompted a second request followed by a correct password.
the window then locked up.

any suggestions as to what i should do?

I would try for simpler experiments, such as:

 - "tail -f /var/log/auth.log" (or equivalent as appropriate because logging isn't supposed to be simple anymore) and watch what goes by

 - "ssh localhost"

 - if "ssh moylan@cmp1" is an exact string, there might be name confusions, try to  ssh by raw IP number from one to the other

Smells to me like there is a "mistaken identity" bug someplace here and you aren't talking what you think you are talking to.


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