On Sun, 9 Jun 2024 12:37:20 -0400
ma...@mohawksoft.com wrote:

> Would a stack of RPI5s, controlled by some sort of docker look-alike,
> perform better than a huge VMware server? Would it perform better
> than a large kubernetes cluster? Would they be more secure because
> they are physically separated.

Not at scale. My employer's current base for our ESX cluster hardware
refreshes this year are Dell R650 rack servers with dual top of the
line Xeon processors and 1TB RAM each; redundant 25 Gbit/s Ethernet;
redundant 32 Gbit/s fibre for connection to the Unity storage system.
Minimum of 3 machines per cluster; with clusters typically 5 to 15

Raspberries Pi can't compete with this.

\m/ (--) \m/
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