Upon upgrading KDE Plasma from 5 to 6 on openSUSE, Bluetooth (BT) mostly
fails to be enabled upon login. Under Plasma 5, Bluetooth came up enabled
at each login.

It was suggested to remove the 'bluedevilglobalrc' file from ~/.config, as
this fixed a similar issue for someone else using Plasma 5, but removing it
worked only for so many logins/rebots, then BT began to come up disabled
again. Another option was to remove and reinstall bluedevil, which is
bluedevil6 under KDE 6. That also did not fix the problem. The BT dongle
has a blue light on it that is lit when it is connected. During the KDE
login process, the light comes on for a second, then goes out.

There is a bug report filed on this at KDE
https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=487063, however my own experience
submitting bug reports in the past, specifically at the distro/desktop
level, or with Mozilla, has been mostly negative (although some rare
positives) and I fear that as this KDE report has seen no comments from any
of the developers up to now, I'm expecting nothing to occur. An example of
this, is a report was submitted to Mozilla regarding Thunderbird, which had
to have been a good 15 years ago. After 12 years, not one single comment
was added to the report, so it was closed with a note that after all that
time, there was no response from the developers and that was the last time
I used Thunderbird. At the time I closed the report, the bug was still
present in Thunderbird.

I attempted to install the XFCE desktop on the current hardware, as in
testing on a thumb drive, BT comes up enabled each and every time under
XFCE. However, upon logging in with XFCE on the hardware, none of the
KDE-originated desktop shortcuts worked (they would not launch the app) and
a couple of them had lock icons embedded into the desktop launcher icon for
the app.

I renamed the Desktop folder to something else, before installing XFCE, in
hopes that it would have created a new Desktop directory, which did not
happen. What actually happened, was that there were folders for each
directory located inside the Home directory, on the desktop. I was able to
successfully remove the XFCE packages and renamed the Desktop directory
back to its original name. Once the KDE default for the Desktop was set
back to the default, that removed all of the extra desktop icons.

It looks increasingly likely that I will be switching to XFCE, however, my
preference is not to have to reinstall the OS (openSUSE) just to use an
alternative desktop.

All this to just use Bluetooth...

Would anyone have other suggestions to try to get BT enabled at each login
under KDE 6, or to get XFCE to work without a full OS reinstall?

Thanks in advance.

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