I'm pretty sure I have an example that does something about it either in OOME 
or in andrewmacro.odt on my website, but I'm not in a position that I can 
verify that right now.

Try www.pitonyak.org I think the link on the page is something like macros.

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On Apr 27, 2023, 4:09 PM, at 4:09 PM, Johnny Rosenberg <gurus.knu...@gmail.com> 
>Den tors 27 apr. 2023 kl 10:55 skrev Rose Gale
>> Hello:
>>        I don't know if anyone has encountered this problem, but I
>> been able to find the right solution. I hope I can get some helpful
>> suggestions here.
>>        I'd like to start by stating that I can only do this in c# for
>> variety of reasons
>>        I need to get the height of the content on the last page of
>> document. I have drawn a sketch below for your understanding.
>Only text is accepted in this mailing list, so everything else is
>away. Upload it somewhere and give us the link instead.
>>        I have found some classes on the official website, but I do
>not know
>> whether they are useful or how to use them.
>> [image: image.png]
>>      Actually, to achieve functions similar to Word : var height =
>> Best Regards
>> --
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