Good Morning,
I operate a small group of companies.
Thank-you for offering a MS Office type solution to those opposed to MS
built-in obsolescence on our still used Office2000 Professional. I have
donated to your cause and will continue to do so on a regular basis, as
I do so for other valuable causes (Wikipedia, ...).
That being said, I believe in using systems that work and that I can
manage myself, unfortunately not (yet) including Linux (I tried in 1997
and haven't had time since).
As such, I have avoided leaving our official XP operating system
(beefing up recommended Internet security systems) until my well
configured 9-year old twin-core ASUS notebook finally began to have
reliability issues (now converted to office system as it's operating
characteristics are still far from obsolete), but my multi-core i7 HP
(acquired some time ago, but that I have avoided using except for
Autodesk programs) came with the 8.1 operating system (and without a disk).
Note that I have also avoided using cloud-based resources as I believe
that one must take care of critical systems and data oneself, and I have
never really appreciated the "new improved" MS Office" products, that
never really got better than our product.
Our official multi-license Office2000 Professional initially installed
OK (yes, even WORD2000 was working!) on my 8.1 laptop, but MS automatic
updates (installed somewhat late) have just killed WORD2000 and even
restoring the system to a former point prior to these "critical" updates
has had no effect.
So I must congratulate MS for finally being able to suppress the
utilisation of our preferred office tool on my new notebook. The things
one does in the name of profit!
Now I must change and having used both your product and the latest MS
product without seeing any real performance advantage, my vote goes to
the open cost-effective solution (where cost is limited by conscience).
And as a French (and Canadian) citizen, it feels good to support a
French product.
Best regards,
FCBA Signature
Matthew Berry
Director - Secretary FCBA Limited (UK)
c/o FCBA subsidiary Cedar Ridge CE
Pasteurova 1
04001 Kosice - Slovakia
tel: +421 55 728 7405/6 - fax: +421 55 677 1184
mobile: +421 908 174 535/+421 911 301 369
email: <>
Member of Cedar Ridge Group of Companies
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