On 2016-03-11, 2:39 PM Tanstaafl wrote:
So, you are complaining about a Mac bug here... please take it to the
appropriate place (wherever you report Mac bugs)...

No. It is a LibreOffice bug. You broke the usability of LibreOffice on Macs with your code change. It worked before.

Any new user of LibreOffice on Macs will find out the database doesn't work. Is that the impression your want Mac users to have of LibreOffice? Do you care about your users? It is not Apples's responsibility to make your software usable, it is LibreOffice's responsibility to make their product work on Mac's. It did so before the update to 5.1.

Attitudes like you make me want to tell all Mac users to not use LibreOffice,


Larry I. Gusaas
Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan Canada
Website: http://larry-gusaas.com
"An artist is never ahead of his time but most people are far behind theirs." - 
Edgard Varese

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