... Congratulations.

       Tips - (1) save the airport shuttle fee;
          any reputable hotel in the States has free shuttle service for
their patrons to the airports.

                 (2) if you are a Bishop - as your e-address shows -
          then save on the hotel fee by combining this trip with your
religious vocation;
          contact the local church/cathedral where you could promote G-d's
will as well as receive lodging.

From: Robinson Tryon <bishop.robin...@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, Dec 7, 2015 at 4:52 AM
Subject: [tdf-discuss] Request for travel funds for SCALE Conference
To: Italo Vignoli <it...@libreoffice.org>, "
board-disc...@documentfoundation.org" <discuss@documentfoundation.org>


I've submitted and had a LibreOffice talk accepted for SCALE (Southern
California Linux Expo), and I'd like to request travel funds for the
conference (Jan 21-24). SCALE is one of the largest FOSS conferences
in the US, with over 3200 attendees, 100 exhibitors, and 100 speakers
in 2015,

Flight: approx. $400 round trip
Hotel: conference rate of $120/night
Airport Shuttle: approx. $90 round trip


Robinson Tryon
QA Engineer - The Document Foundation
LibreOffice Community Outreach Herald
802-379-9482 | IRC: colonelqubit on Freenode

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