FYI below and i would like to make a couple of proposals

currently, this seems to work when exporting from writer:

* non PDF A/1a
* CA cert signed signature
* timestamped with non http AUTH based timestamp server

this produces a PDF:

sha1 hashed
document restrictions summary, not allowed:

        changing the document
        document assembly

suggest these needs to be looked into in terms of:

when signing/timestamping within Acrobat, and locking the document,
causes the following restrictions _in addition_ to above:

        filling of form fields
        signing of form fields
        creation of template pages

once a PDF is signed, there should be an option to enable/disable future

once it's timestamped, no further changes should be allowed, it should
be 'locked' similarly to how Acrobat changes restrictions

no idea what is/is not possible in terms of doing this outside of
Acrobat but an sha256 hashed doc should be considered do-able (default
in Acrobat with recent updates)

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: RE: [tdf-discuss] LO 5 PDF export sign/timestamp
Date: Tue, 1 Dec 2015 12:18:01 -0600
From: DigiStamp Support <>
Organisation: DigiStamp Inc.
To: 'Fulano Diego Perez' <>
CC: 'Richard' <>

We appreciate your forwarding the information below.

Note, you have the option of making a TSA request to DigiStamp and
skipping HTTP authentication and instead do authentication based on the
client's IP Address.  This would allow you to test a DigiStamp timestamp
without AUTH.

To use IP address authentication:
Configure your account here:
Then send your request to address:

Or, using the DigiStamp test environment:

-----Original Message-----
From: Fulano Diego Perez []
Sent: Monday, November 30, 2015 23:51
Cc: Richard <>
Subject: Re: [tdf-discuss] LO 5 PDF export sign/timestamp

short update

i can confirm that this fails when exporting to PDF A/1a format

i tried FDF and PDF submit format

however, the following worked:

*the free TSA

*sign per usual CA cert

i then tried again to sign a non PDF A/1a with a timestamp server which
requires AUTH

that failed again, did not prompt for credentials, PDF generation failed

Fulano Diego Perez:
> Hi,
> try these 2
> i use paid timestamp service
> would be good to hear your experiences
> Richard:
>> Morning Diego,
>> I'm running but have on another.
>> Point me to a link to create a certificate to sign with.
>> I've never tried to apply a timestamp to pdf.
>> Saludos.
>> On Fri, Nov 27, 2015 at 1:45 AM, Fulano Diego Perez < 
>>> wrote:
>>> Can anybody confirm the following work using:
>>> Writer Version: 1:5.0.3~rc2-1+b2
>>> debian stretch amd64
>>> *timestamp an ODF document exported to pdf where a http(s) timestamp 
>>> server requires authentication?
>>> *ibid + sign the pdf with a commercial CA cert?
>>> *only sign a pdf with a commercial CA cert that does not produce a 
>>> pdf altered after signing?
>>> please confirm how you did it........
>>>> hello
>>>> anybody had luck time stamping a PDF exported from libreoffice 5?
>>>> i tried on debian/stretch 5.0.2-1 with no useful error output
>>>> the export process doesn't prompt for TSA credentials
>>>> then, signing just with a CA valid cert works, but opening the PDF 
>>>> in a windows acrobat or reader shows a modification warning after 
>>>> signing
>>>> does not seem thorough yet in the new libreoffice
>>> --
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