With respect to dynamic column typing in SQLite,
On Mon, 2014-07-28 at 20:34 -0400, Andrew Douglas Pitonyak wrote:
> I think that this is intentional, so, I don't think it is actually 
> broken. I never bothered to investigate the motivation for it.

Certainly intentional.  Indeed, the web site for SQLite describes it
as a positive virtue.

I should have written "broken by design".

> I find it personally annoying, but not broken. I think that what you 
> really mean is that you find it not usable for a certain application 
> that you have in mind.

The cost is in thinking about what a query may return:  comparisons do
not mean what we are used to.  For that matter, what does a value mean
when it is not in the domain in which it is supposedly defined?


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