Le 2012-05-21 13:15, Christian Lohmaier a écrit :
Hi Rainer, *,

On Mon, May 21, 2012 at 4:32 PM, Rainer Bielefeld
<libreoff...@bielefeldundbuss.de>  wrote:
Pedro schrieb:

The main problem with AskLibO is that there are few people answering
questions on a regular basis.

The job there is frustrating. Many of the questions are lousy, but that also
might be a Help problem.

Answering that there isn't enough info is of course also a valid
answer. And feel free to just close those when there is no further
info after a couple of day.

And a "Thank you" is the exception.

Well - that I don't consider a problem - unless you also consider
votes as a "Thank you".

The "thank you" on ask.libreoffice.org is the upvoting of your
answer/flagging it as correct.
And giving votes is not limited to the person who asked that specific
question, but everyone who reads an entry should use their votes

The tool really has great potential, but some more administration will be
required to get best benefit for users with questions with acceptable costs.

I don't think it is an administration problem, but rather a problem of
educating people about it..



I would also add that we are stretching our resource people quite far with all of the implementation going on with the project. We need more hands for the amount of work done. Encouraging membership will help us out a lot more.


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