
Le dimanche 20 mai 2012 à 00:57 -0400, Marc Paré a écrit :
> Do you find yourself contributing to LibreOffice's lists and helping 
> users in various ways? If you do, or, if you would like to do this in a 
> constructive way, you may qualify to become a member of the TDF 
> Community membership family.
> You may not know it, but you may in fact already qualify for membership! 
> Visit the TDF webpages to read up on the requirements for TDF 
> membership[1] and if you fit the profile, you may want to apply for 
> membership; if you do not and would like to work towards membership, 
> then, you should still read the requirements so that you are well informed.
> There is a place and a need for all kinds of contributors, just check it 
> out! The best reward of being a member is that you will be helping make 
> LibreOffice a better community project.

A big +1 to your email. I am under the impression that many potential
members tend to be intimidated by the Membership or feel it's only for
"technical" people. It really is not and we will be happy if we broaden
the membership base.


Charles-H. Schulz
Co-Founder & Director, The Document Foundation,
Zimmerstr. 69, 10117 Berlin, Germany
Rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
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