On 05/16/2012 01:09 PM, Caolán McNamara wrote: > On Wed, 2012-05-16 at 12:29 -0700, NoOp wrote: >> Any idea if 3.5.3 also addresses this one that also came out today? >> http://www.openoffice.org/security/cves/CVE-2012-2149.html > > This is actually "libwpd", which gets bundled into non-distro builds. > The advisory relates to a very old version of libwpd bundled into the > last OpenOffice.org release. LibreOffice 3.3.X already contained a > sufficiently recent version of libwpd to be unaffected by that, so > you're fine with any version of LibreOffice. > >> the filter can be patched rather than removed like AOO. > > The filter got removed from AOO due to being under the LGPL (!) > https://cwiki.apache.org/OOOUSERS/ipclearance.html ...
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