
due to idea of Mike Schinagl and test results in "Migrationsleitfaden des Bundes" [1,3], where doubs concerning ODF compatibility of LibO created presentations was mentioned, I want to do a mass test of Presentation documents. Soon a mighty competitor (AOOo) will be back, and we should not show any bareness.

For the preparations I created a Wiki Page [2], where you can watch and comment the progress of the efforts.

If you have proposals, concerns or anything else you want to tell please discuss on <libreoffice...@lists.freedesktop.org> (here in the thread) or add a hint in the Wiki.

We should not test masses of Presentations before preparations will have been finished.

Best regards

Rainer Bielefeld

[1] <http://www.heise.de/open/meldung/Migrationsleitfaden-des-Bundes-in-neuer-Version-erschienen-1463867.html> [2] <https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/QA-Projects-Incubator#Check_IMPRESS_ODF_compatibility> [3] <http://flosmind.wordpress.com/2012/04/16/en-migrationsleifaden-des-bundes/>

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