I have to agree with the comment of what an email client does. We shouldn't
be integrating the same features as what an email client does. As
Libreoffice is not an email client. It is a word processor office suite not
an email client.  Features for word processing application are needed not
an email client. I believe it is useless code. Most enterprises either use
outlook thunderbird or groupwise for their businesses. Even some businesses
run google apps now, office 365. The point is the obvious mail client which
everyone can use are really only 3 if you think about it.

Another suggestion is if Libreoffice integrated features of mail merge to
somehow combine with an email client really easily?

Finally, Libreoffice is missing many collaboration and sharing features and
auto save features that are featured in os x lion and pages. Another
suggestion maybe to have a central specific display window similar to the
save and open functions in the office suite that was purely based on
sharing and collaboration and file sharing to other people and or email via
a mail merge. Another piece of code that was smaller and more integrated
into Libreoffice than the original mail merge code.

Just suggestions.

On Friday, 13 April 2012, Gordon Burgess-Parker wrote:

> On 13/04/2012 13:30, Cor Nouws wrote:
>> Gordon Burgess-Parker wrote (13-04-12 14:02)
>>  The File-Send-Document As Email already calls "random email clients" as
>>> in the default email client.....would it be that hard to replace the
>>> smtp function with a call to the DEFAULT mail client? (I know nothing
>>> about coding.....)
>> With the mail functionality from mail merge there is control over title,
>> content, attachments, to, cc, bcc, the address from etc.
>> All in a single component, without having to bother about different
>> programs.
> OK, keep this functionality.
> But LO MUST keep a record of the emails sent in some way - it doesn't at
> the moment, which is not a good thing. That is my main objection - if this
> function was passed through an email client there would be a record of the
> sent emails.
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Laurence Jeloudev
Do us a favour and get gmail (http://www.gmail.com), so you don't loose
your emails and then print them off!

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