
very often we hear this question, and again and again we have to state that that question only can be answered by the questioner. How can we know what might be important for him and what not? For someone who never uses DRAW all Draw bugs are completely irrelevant, for me Bug 43752 and Bug 45848 are blockers.

So after the question from someone who uses 3.4.5 and plans to update to 3.5.2 I created a query showing all potential (known) blockers that might hinder someone who successfully uses 3.4.5 to update to 3.5.2

May be the query is also useful for you?

Best regards

Rainer Bielefeld


[1] <https://bugs.freedesktop.org/buglist.cgi?columnlist=op_sys%2Ccomponent%2Cbug_severity%2Cpriority%2Cshort_desc%2Cbug_status%2Cresolution&field0-0-0=version&field0-1-0=bug_status&field0-2-0=status_whiteboard&keywords=regression&keywords_type=allwords&list_id=62619&product=LibreOffice&query_format=advanced&type0-0-0=anywordssubstr&type0-1-0=nowordssubstr&type0-2-0=notsubstring&value0-0-0=Master%20Daily%203.5&value0-1-0=RESOLVED%20CLOSED%20VERIFIED&value0-2-0=target%3A3.5&order=component%2Cbug_id%20DESC&query_based_on=>

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