On Mon, 2012-02-27 at 12:01 -0600, Norbert Thiebaud wrote:
> On Mon, Feb 27, 2012 at 4:36 AM, Florian Effenberger
> <flo...@documentfoundation.org> wrote:
> >
> > So, while I agree this is also theoretical, the more we can make public, the
> > better it will be, the more it will serve our matter of transparency.
> I understand and agree with your argument and the scenario described.
> My main concern is this case (only wrt to the ESC.):
> John Doe is employed by Microsoft-Luxemburg as a pre-sale support for
> IIS (I'm making that up)
> during is leisure time he like to contribute to open source, and doing
> a great job at doing so in LibreOffice,
> he is offered to seat on the ESC.
> Since his work on FLOSS is not sponsored by Microsoft nor necessarily
> approved by it, he does not want to/ is not allowed to
> involve the name of his employer into the process.
> What should his 'affiliation' then be ?


> iow. Should we rely solely on self-described affiliation ?
> In which case, the take over scenario described earlier can only be
> dwarfed if observers manage to independently determine 'real'
> affiliation based on name to detect a conflict
> otherwise ill-intended committee stuffing would certainly avoid
> dissimulating one's affiliation, and the 'official' affiliation list
> would not be useful for the purpose of detecting such situation.

In the case of individuals a meeting of the AB in their capacity as
members of the ESC, they are doing so as stewards for the full
membership of the TDF, not merely as individuals and certainly not as
representatives for their employer.



> Let me put it that way:
> I would expect that
> + for most sponsored people we do have an affiliation (most sponsor
> want to advertise that they do)
> + ESC member can choose to be classified publicly as 'Independent',
> with the understanding that other ESC members are privately confident
> that such ESC nomination is not jeopardizing the ESC balance, wrt the
> 30% rule.
> + such implicit affiliation can be shared with the BoD.
> (pretty much how it works today)
> For the AB:
> I honestly do not care that much either way... I'll leave that in the
> capable hand of the BoD :-)
> Norbert

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