Hi all

Guys the icons are one of the key features of Libre Office's interface.
Some of the stock icons on the Libre Office default theme need some more
work I feel.

OPEN - this icon is really grey and dull
SAVE - okay, so the floppy is gone. I would have loved to keep it, but I
won't get into that.
But if you ARE going for a green downwards arrow, it needs to be cleerer
than this.

DOCUMENT AS EMAIL - This feature is really reduntant and clutters up the
user experience.

PDF ICON - The export to PDF icon is not clear enough. It needs to say PDF
letters, not some text you can almost not read.

These are my comments to the icons in the current interface.

But why can't we create an interface that is really inviting to newer
which does not acommodate to the users with conservative preferences.

Pick up any MacOSX application and they are mostly so inviting and "fun" to
Why can't Libre Office be that? Massively larger icon-toolbars is a start,
and shouldn't
be very hard to make. I have the pixel-space available for this on my
screen. Do you?

Best of regards,

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