
klaus-jürgen weghorn ol wrote on 2012-01-23 08:14:

- A third option would be to send out a voting invitation to everyone
subscribe to a set of mailing lists (e.g. discuss@, announce@ and so
on), but send them a private token. That way, only active people in the
project could vote, but TDF membership would not be necessary.

Is it a big technical and/or manpowering effort to do it in that way?

not really, if we can agree on a sane set of mailing lists. ;-) E.g. I'd use announce@, discuss@, and maybe one or two more lists (probably the developer list makes sense). Getting subscribers from all over 100 lists is a rather tedious task. ;-)


Florian Effenberger <flo...@documentfoundation.org>
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