ScCrow wrote:
I did not find this in my searches or anything in the LibreOffice options. So, sorry if its there and I just did not find it.

I would like for a document (any document) to open to the last page that I
was on when I closed it.  I have a large document.  When I go back, I always
have to locate where I left off work.  I started just never closing the
document, which I dont like to do.

So, to me it would be a nice feature, and I would think, easy to add.  I
realize it may go to the last page I edited, not the last page I was
viewing.  Thats ok with me, still, either or both would be a good added
Actually it will go to the last page that your mouse cursor was on. if you want it to go to a particular place when you open it again, all you have to do is place your cursor there. (I am not sure if it will do this if you completely close the file, but if you minimize it, it certainly will, and that is what you should do with any document that you expect to soon return to).

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