On 28 December 2011 19:43, Robert Derman <robert.der...@pressenter.com>wrote:

> Olav Dahlum wrote:
>> On 28/12/11 20:05, Danishka Navin wrote:
>>> As you all know the floppy disc is some thing out dated in the modern
>>> computer world.
>> I'm afraid it's not the case, a lot of people use them, and especially
>> in governmental institutions.
>>> Why we still continue the "Floppy Disk" as the icon for "Save" button in
>>> LibreOffice?
>> Anyway, this could be replaced by a more generic computer/down arrow
>> button to reflect the different media better.
> The trouble is, most people would not recognize this, and there is of
> course the limitation that icons must be fairly simple in form.  Also I am
> not sure that an icon of an optical disk, which would be much more valid
> today would be as easily recognized.  Actually in nearly every case the
> document is being saved on a hard drive, but that would be much more
> difficult to represent as a simple icon.  I remember MS tried this in
> Win-95, and it ended up looking more like a drum and drumstick.  As long as
> we all recognize the floppy as a floppy, it really doesn't matter that much
> that it is archaic.

Until I checked it out just now, I didn't realise that the Save icon used
in the Ubuntu version of LO is actually a broad green downward arrow on top
of a representation of a Hard drive.  Now, I have had no problems saving
documents, so I imagine that things like the position of the icon (next to
the Open File icon) and the tool tip are all part of identifying the Save
icon.  When I looked at the floppy disk icon on my wife's Win 7 version, I
realise how old fashioned it looks.


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