It seems that all the bugs that were in Bugzilla as NEW have been bumped back to NEEDINFO with the message
"This bug was filed before the changes to Bugzilla on 2011-10-16. Thus it started right out as NEW without ever being explicitly confirmed. The bug is changed to state NEEDINFO for this reason. To move this bug from NEEDINFO back to NEW please check if the bug still persists with the 3.5.0 beta1 or beta2 prereleases. Details on how to test the 3.5.0 beta1 can be found at:" I have to say this is very irritating where a bug has been logged for a long time and re-affirmed may times for new versions of, originally, and now LibreOffice. That said, however, I am quite willing to test my bug in 3.5, but the link above is most unhelpful. What I need is a way to use 3.5 for testing, while retaining the current stable version for everyday use. Can someone help me with that? I am using Ubuntu 11.10 32 bit on a HP desktop PC. Tony -- Unsubscribe instructions: E-mail to Problems? Posting guidelines + more: List archive: All messages sent to this list will be publicly archived and cannot be deleted