On 2011-12-13 3:11 PM, Italo Vignoli <italo.vign...@gmail.com> wrote:
On 13/12/2011 14:43, Harold Fuchs wrote:
Can LO read/import these formats for *editing*? All of them? If not, which?
Yes, all of them.
Can LO write/export these formats? All of them? If not, which?
Yes, all of them, although - given the immense complexity and the non
standard nature of MS Office formats - interoperability is not perfect,
and the layout of the documents might have slight differences.
Faaaar from perfect...
Some of the most irritating issues we've had is changes to page
layout/format for printing are never saved.
The first thing I check when somoene is having a problem with a document
is if it is in this format - if it is, saving it as odf almost always
solves the problem.
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