On 11/12/2011 23:08, Pedro wrote:

> So if development continues, I suppose it means that Oracle doesn't
> own it, right?
> I was confused because 5 of the extensions installed with LO
> (including PDF Import) still say Oracle.

We use the last GPL licensed version, which is - and will always be -
copyright by Oracle. The copyright, though, is not a problem as long as
the code is licensed under GPL.

I do not think, but I might be wrong, that AOOo will update this
extension, because it relies heavily on GPL components which should be
substituted. Of course, they might decide to write a new PDF rendering
engine under Apache License, which we could easily use.

> TBH I don't really like "locked" extensions. I prefer to do a Custom
> install, remove all Extensions and then add manually only the ones I
> choose (but unlocked)

You can easily do this on Windows by choosing the custom installation.

> So I guess there is a chance that in the future there is a separate
> PDF Import extension available in the Extension repository?

I hope so, as well.

Italo Vignoli - italo.vign...@gmail.com
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