Hi Ken,
Ken Springer wrote on 2011-11-01 00:07:
About generally getting in contact with TDF, I think that's easy:
www.documentfoundation.org -> Contact -> click on one of the mail
This site I didn't know existed! I wonder if the same is true for
Jean-Paul. Quite often, in the different mailing lists, you will see The
Document Foundation mentioned in a message.
I have always gone here, http://www.libreoffice.org/, to get information
about LO. And of course, at the top of the pages, the The Document
Foundation is listed directly below Libre Office. Try to find a link to
The Document Foundation here. :-)
indeed, some nice button leading to the TDF site might be of help.
Cc'ing the website list on this.
I've only spent a few minutes on the TDF site, now, initial reaction is,
very nice. Although I may have found something not quite right. But,
that's for another thread/day. :-)
The LibreOffice site should be as well done.
In case you want to support us, help is always welcome over at the
website list, and contributions are very much appreciated. :-)
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