Le 12/02/2017 à 11:23, hrb...@t-online.de a écrit :

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01: Style templates in Writer.

02: This video shows how to user formatting styles in Writer.

03: Instructions and further information in writing can be found at:

04: The basic idea of this video is an exercise entitled "Style
Formatting Exercise", by Ellen Pape.

05: -

06: This file can be downloaded.

07: The previously existing protocol document entitled "Protocol
Training Data" from a complete teaching program was used for this video.

08: The video will show how to format the protocol document in the best
manner posible using formatting styles.

09: To begin, start Writer.

10: Then open the file "Protocol Training Data".

11: In the Styles and Formatting dropdown menu, the default "Default
Style" formatting is selected, indicating  that the text of the document
has the default formatting style.

12: We will now alter this.

13: Pressing the F11 key will bring up the overview of the various
formatting styles available.

14: Using the right mouse button, click on "Heading" and then select "New".

15: Click on the "Organizer" tab, and type in the name "GLK-TOP".

16: Select the "Font" tab, and set the font to:  Arial, 14 pt, bold.

17: On the "Font Effects" tab, choose SkyBlue2 as the colour.

18: Now choose the "Indents and Spacing" tab, and for "Spacing" enter:
Before text: 0,4 cm, After text: 0,2 cm.

19: Now click on OK.

20: A formatting style can be applied as follows:

21: Place the cursor in the desired area of text and double-click on the
formatting style you wish to apply.

22: Select GLK-TOP from the list of available formats.

23: Double-click on it.

24: Remove any hard line feeds / returns.

25: Using the right mouse button, click on TextBody, then choose New.

26: Click on the "Organizer" tab, and enter the name "GLK-Text".

27: Set the font to Arial, 11 pt, regular, under the "Font" tab.

28: Now choose the "Indents and Spacing" tab. Enter the values in
Spacing as: Before text: 0,0 cm, After text: 0,2 cm.

29: Click on OK.

30: Now we are going to format the text with the new formatting style

31: Play around with other settings in the Style tabs.

32: Now let's add numbering to our GLK-TOP formatting style.

33: Using the right mouse button, click on GLK-TOP, and then on Modify.

34: Select the "Outline and Numbering" tab.

35: Under the List styles, edit the style to choose a numbering style.

36: Now click on OK.

37: The heading in your document now has a number in front of it.

38: Let's move on to format the protocol document header - for this,
we'll create a specific header style "Protocol_Header".

39: Set up the font type, the direction, and spacing as for the previous
formatting exercises.

40: We will call this new formatting style "Protocol_Header".

41: The exercise is deliberately set up in this way. In daily usage, one
can avoid some of the steps above by applying the formatting style
GLK-Text to all of the text in the document, then applying the heading
styles, and finally the header styles.

Bemerkungen :

Auf dem Mac, funktioniert die F11-taste nicht wie gewollt, da sie dem OS
reserviert wird (aufklappen des Fensters).


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